Thursday 10 July 2008

Learning to add photos..morning rant

What is wrong with AOL?? With the decline in people using portal subscription services which made them huge in the late 90's and early 00's you would think they would make their web based services slick, quick and easy to use. But using AOL mail at is the most frustrating experience online a the moment! It seems they are too concerned with serving adverts to actually do little things like opening email, sending email. And whats with the stupid images they show you while they take 5 minutes to load your inbox?? I know that ;) is wink, everyone knows!! Just show me my fucking inbox!!! Yes I do know better, I am Gmail all the way but unfortuneately my aol email from 10 years ago is still my contact for various services I have been using since way back when.

Oh and Christiano Ronaldo, you are not a fucking slave..slaves don't get paid millions of pounds a year to play a few hours of football everyday. Please fuck off to Spain!

Ok I am mainly posting to see if I can add a picture succesfully to this blog. So finers crossed at the top of this (or somewhere) there should be a blurry blue picture of Billy Talent playing in Prague. Great show by the way.

Right, off to get ready for work, not too bad today, get free breakfast and free lunch today, meeting from 2 -3 pm and leaving at 3.15!!! Roll on the weekend.

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