Sunday 20 July 2008

My gift to you today: Religulous

Saturday 19 July 2008

Have you seen this boy?

Above is a picture that should be the Salvation of the Terminator films (do you like what I did there?) - Christian Bale as John Connor killing a mother fucking T 800! Go here for 53 seconds that should whet your appetite.

While I'm here, got the below pictures via email which made me smile:

Enjoy your weekendz!

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Review - The Ruins (warning spoilers)

So tonight we watched The Ruins, a recent US horror/thriller from Dreamworks. The basic premise is 2 American couples holidaying in Mexico go off to check out some ancient Mayan ruins where something goes a bit wrong and nastiness ensues.

The acting from the fairly unknown cast is pretty decent, story ticks along nicely and there is some excellent unpleasantness to keep the sickos happy. So below is the real meat of the gore you can enjoy if you watch this movie (highlight to read):
  • Arrive at ruins, Mayans show up, bit of shouting then arrow to Greek lads chest and BANG they shoot him in the face! Welcome to The Ruins fuckers.
  • German chap falls down shaft into ruins (crunch), breaks back- two dozy girls go down after him, debate best way they can lift him onto make shift stretcher without moving his spine, they pick up and (twist, crunch) they fuck him up!
  • Group decide they need to remove unfortunate German chaps legs to stop his wounds getting infected, cue scene of them smashing his bones with a rock then hacking through the flesh with a hunting knife.
  • Blonde girl gets infected with plant nastiness (it's all crawling under her skin - nice), nice scene of her being cut open to have plant removed. She loses it a bit, buggers off with the knife on her own and hacks herself open pretty well to remove the plant. Then she stabs her boyfriend neatly in the heart when he tries to stop her. Good shot old girl!
I think part of the success of his film, aside from the nastiness, is it is fairly brief and to the point. If you have an hour and a half free then I would certainly recommend The Ruins.

Monday 14 July 2008

Monday morning

Quick post, it's Monday morning, got to go get ready for work but just saw these pics online (thanks Digg. Check out more at:

Suns out over Wolverton this morning, lets hope it stays with us for a while!

Thursday 10 July 2008

Learning to add photos..morning rant

What is wrong with AOL?? With the decline in people using portal subscription services which made them huge in the late 90's and early 00's you would think they would make their web based services slick, quick and easy to use. But using AOL mail at is the most frustrating experience online a the moment! It seems they are too concerned with serving adverts to actually do little things like opening email, sending email. And whats with the stupid images they show you while they take 5 minutes to load your inbox?? I know that ;) is wink, everyone knows!! Just show me my fucking inbox!!! Yes I do know better, I am Gmail all the way but unfortuneately my aol email from 10 years ago is still my contact for various services I have been using since way back when.

Oh and Christiano Ronaldo, you are not a fucking slave..slaves don't get paid millions of pounds a year to play a few hours of football everyday. Please fuck off to Spain!

Ok I am mainly posting to see if I can add a picture succesfully to this blog. So finers crossed at the top of this (or somewhere) there should be a blurry blue picture of Billy Talent playing in Prague. Great show by the way.

Right, off to get ready for work, not too bad today, get free breakfast and free lunch today, meeting from 2 -3 pm and leaving at 3.15!!! Roll on the weekend.

Monday 7 July 2008

Agony and Irony

I bought the new Alkaline Trio album today, about a week after it's official release date. I had previously downloaded the Agony and Irony EP and when the album leaked online in mid June I downloaded it with the intention of buying the official release later. The album itself is, I think, pretty decent. It has certainly grown on me since I initially started listening to it and I think it will more over time (incidentally it was the same with Crimson and, despite them cheating and putting Sadie on there, I now love this album). What has pissed me off slightly about this album is the way in which it has been released.

Firstly I was pretty disappointed to see the 3 songs that were released as the EP also feature on the album. So out of 11 songs, almost a third were already available. Secondly depending on where you buy the album you get different 'bonus' tracks. On one release you just get the standard 11 songs. With the UK deluxe release you get the bonus track 'Burned Is The House' along with some acoustic versions of album songs and 'Maybe I'll Catch Fire' , with the Itunes release you can get 'In My Stomach' and I think with the Australian release you can get another bonus song ('Wake Up Exhausted'?? - correction it is 'Love, Love, Kiss, Kiss - Acoustic'). So despite having gone to a record shop and buying the Deluxe version I still had to then hunt down the other songs that weren't included on this release of it. I'd have thought that in todays world of file sharing it would be in the labels' interest to release the album in way which didn't push fans down this route. This also means that if I want to listen to this album with all released songs on it I'll have to listen it as MP3's (ie lower quality than the CD audio) either on a player or a burned CD. Which is rubbish really.

So for anyone who may be interested here is Agony and Irony with all songs that I know have been released in one way or other:

1. Calling All Skeletons
2. Help Me
3. In Vein
4. Over And Out
5. I Found Away
6. Do You Wanna Know?
7. Live Young, Die Fast
8. Love, Love, Kiss, Kiss
9. Lost And Rendered
10. Ruin It
11. Into The Night
12. In My Stomach
13. Burned Is The House
14. Maybe I'll Catch Fire (Acoustic)
15. Live Young Die Fast (Acoustic)
16. Into The Night (Acoustic)
17. Over And Out (Acoustic)
18. Lost And Rendered (Acoustic)
19. Love, Love, Kiss, Kiss (Acoustic)

On a side note I really like the acoustic versions of the new songs, especially Dan Andriano singing Into The Night. Oh and Wake Up Exhausted (Tegan and Sarah cover) is the b-side to the Help Me single.

Friday 4 July 2008

Quick one at work

I opened this account ages ago and wrote a blog which then managed to get savagely deleted by my computer when i tried to post it.

Got 4 minutes left on my lunch break so here are some things about my life / me:

I just turned 27 and got a massive HD TV.

I am married with two cats and just bought a house.

My life is currently fairly unremarkable after years of craziness.

That is all for now. I'll be back with more at some point!