Monday 4 August 2008

hello blog, long time no see

so it's been a couple weeks since I have typed a bunch of crap that I and a very very select few will bother to read. had a few things going on, main distraction is a business idea that I am currently looking into. got a meeting end of this week with a web guy which will hopefully kick start proceedings - if of course the price is right!

anyway. i am currently suffering through chick flick 27 Dresses starring Catherine Heigel (the pretty blonde one out of Greys Anatomy). quite a let down after the excellent Knocked Up.

last night we watched The Mist which I thought was f*cking excellent (wife didn't quite agree). initially started watching it on Saturday night after a few beers and turned it off after half an hour because it was pretty slow and when some nasties turned up they were in the form of pretty low budget graphics. returned to it Sunday night and boy am I glad we did. it's based on a Stephen King novella and is pretty low budget but when the second wave of nasties turn up and the religious fanatic starts going it becomes a pretty decent movie. basic premise of the movie is a heavy mist descends on a small town, father and son get trapped with a bunch of people in a local store and monsters turn up to ruin their day. favorite parts of the movie include

- dweeby little store employee shooting the hateful religous woman in the gut then BANG in the f*cking head. bitch is aksing for it soo much, great to see it happen!

- BEST F*CKING ENDING IN THE WORLD EVER!!!!!! father and son escape store where everyone's holed up with random woman and old couple. they drive and drive hoping to escape the mist and nasties (which by now includes immensley huge weird elephant thing with weird trunks/appendages on it's belly). eventually their vehicle runs of of fuel and they face the prospect of being torn up by all manner of horrid creatures. they contemplate what to do, realizing they only have four bullets left, 1 shy of what they need for everyone to kill themselves. daddy mans up and shoots everyone in the head INCLUDING HIS LITTLE BOY. he exits the full now full of his dead companions, awaiting the inevitable on slaught of horrific death when THE F*CKING MIST CLEARS, THE ARMY TURNS UP AND SAVES THE F*CKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Stephen King and thank you The Mist. Best ending ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!